Table of Contents

Verifying the state of a component

The instance of a component under test is available through the Instance property on the IRenderedComponent<TComponent> type. When using the TestContext's RenderComponent<TComponent>() method, this is the type returned.

In .razor based tests, using the TestContext's Render<TComponent>(RenderFragment) method also returns an IRenderedComponent<TComponent> (as opposed to the Render(RenderFragment) method which returns the more simple IRenderedFragment).


Since IRenderedComponent<TComponent> inherits from IRenderedFragment, all the markup verification techniques covered on the Verifying markup from a component page also apply to the IRenderedComponent<TComponent> type.

Inspecting the Component Under Test

The Instance property on the IRenderedComponent<TComponent> type provides access to the component under test. For example:

IRenderedComponent<Alert> cut = RenderComponent<Alert>();

Alert alert = cut.Instance;

// Assert against <Alert /> instance

While it is possible to set [Parameter] and [CascadingParameter] properties directly through the Instance property on the IRenderedComponent<TComponent> type, doing so does not implicitly trigger a render and the component life-cycle methods are not called.

The correct approach is to set parameters through the SetParametersAndRender() methods. See the Triggering a render life cycle on a component page for more on this.

Finding Components in the Render Tree

To get the instances of components nested inside the component under test, use the FindComponent<TComponent>() and FindComponents<TComponent>() methods on the IRenderedComponent<TComponent> type. Suppose, for each task in the todo list, we have a <TodoList> component with <Task> components nested inside. In this case, the <Task> components can be found like this:

var cut = RenderComponent<TodoList>(parameter => parameter
  .Add(p => p.Tasks, new [] { "Task 1", "Task 2" })

var tasks = cut.FindComponents<Task>();

Assert.Equal(2, tasks.Count);

Both the FindComponent<TComponent>() and FindComponents<TComponent>() methods perform a depth-first search of the render tree, with the first method returning only the first matching component found, and the latter returning all matching components in the render tree.

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