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Controlling the root render tree

The root render tree, the render tree in which components under test are rendered, can be added to before components are rendered with bUnit's test context. This is mostly useful when a component under test, or a component it depends on, must be rendered inside another component, that provides a cascading value to it.

For example, when using Blazor’s authentication, it is common to add the CascadingAuthenticationState component higher up the render tree, such that it can provide authentication state to those components below it that need it. Adding this through the RenderTree property on the TestContextBase type makes it possible to add it once in a shared setup method, and not have to do so in every test method during the call to RenderComponent().

This can also be useful when writing tests that use a third-party component library, that require a special root component to be added to the render tree, but which otherwise don’t change between tests.

Adding a component to the root render tree

The following example verifies that the PrintCascadingValue component correctly prints out the cascading value passed to it. This value is passed to it by adding the CascadingValue<string> component to the render tree and then rendering the PrintCascadingValue component. The PrintCascadingValue component looks like this:

Cascading value: @Value
  public string Value { get; set; }

Here is the test that adds the CascadingValue<string> component to the render tree and then renders the PrintCascadingValue component.

// Add a cascading value to the test contexts root render tree.
RenderTree.Add<CascadingValue<string>>(parameters => parameters
  .Add(p => p.Value, "FOO")

// The component will be rendered as a child of last
// component added to the RenderTree property.
var cut = RenderComponent<PrintCascadingValue>();

// Verify that the cascading value was passed correctly.
cut.MarkupMatches($"Cascading value: FOO");

The call to Add can be done in a common setup method, outside the context of the test method listed here, for easy re-use between tests.

Add only if not already in root render tree

Sometimes common test setup logic exists outside the test class, perhaps abstracted away in other libraries. In those cases, the TryAdd method can be used to a components to the render tree, only if it has not already been added. TryAdd returns true if the component was added, false otherwise.

RenderTree.TryAdd<CascadingValue<string>>(parameters => parameters
  .Add(p => p.Value, "BAR?")

In the listing above, the cascading value BAR? is added only if there is not another CascadingValue<string> component added to the render tree already.

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