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Triggering event handlers in components

Blazor makes it possible to bind many event handlers to elements in a Blazor component using the @onXXXX syntax, e.g. @onclick="MyClickHandler".

bUnit comes with event dispatch helper methods that makes it possible to invoke event handlers for all event types supported by Blazor.

The built-in dispatch event helpers are:

To use these, first find the element in the component under test where the event handler is bound. This is usually done with the Find(string cssSelector) method. Next, invoke the event dispatch helper method of choice.

The following section demonstrates how to do this...

Invoking an event handler on an element

To invoke an event handler on an element, first find the element in the component under test, and then call the desired event dispatch helper method.

Let's look at a common example where an @onclick event handler is invoked. The example will use the <ClickMe> component listed here:

<button @onclick="ClickHandler">Click ME!</button>
  void ClickHandler(MouseEventArgs args)
    // ...

To trigger the @onclick ClickHandler event handler method in the <ClickMe> component, do the following:

public class ClickMeTest : TestContext
  public void Test()
    // Arrange
    var cut = RenderComponent<ClickMe>();
    var buttonElement = cut.Find("button");

    // Act
    buttonElement.Click(detail: 3, ctrlKey: true);
    buttonElement.Click(new MouseEventArgs());

    // Assert
    // ...

This is what happens in the test:

  1. In the arrange step of the test, the <ClickMe> component is rendered and the <button> element is found using the Find(string cssSelector) method.
  2. The act step of the test is the <button>'s click event handler. In this case, the ClickHandler event handler method is invoked in three different ways:
    • The first and second invocations use the same Click method. It has a number of optional arguments, some of which are passed in the second invocation. If any arguments are provided, they are added to an instance of the MouseEventArgs type, which is passed to the event handler if it has it as an argument.
    • The last invocation uses the Click method. This takes an instance of the MouseEventArgs type, which is passed to the event handler if it has it as an argument.

All the event dispatch helper methods have the same two overloads: one that takes a number of optional arguments, and one that takes one of the EventArgs types provided by Blazor.

Triggering custom events

bUnit support triggering custom events through the TriggerEvent method.

Lets try to test the <CustomPasteSample> component below:

<p>Try pasting into the following text box:</p>
<input @oncustompaste="HandleCustomPaste" />

@code {
  string message = string.Empty;
  void HandleCustomPaste(CustomPasteEventArgs eventArgs)
    message = $"You pasted: {eventArgs.PastedData}";

Here are the custom event types:

[EventHandler("oncustompaste", typeof(CustomPasteEventArgs), enableStopPropagation: true, enablePreventDefault: true)]
public static class EventHandlers
  // This static class doesn't need to contain any members. It's just a place where we can put
  // [EventHandler] attributes to configure event types on the Razor compiler. This affects the
  // compiler output as well as code completions in the editor.

public class CustomPasteEventArgs : EventArgs
  // Data for these properties will be supplied by custom JavaScript logic
  public DateTime EventTimestamp { get; set; }
  public string PastedData { get; set; }

To trigger the @oncustompaste event callback, do the following:

// Arrange
var cut = RenderComponent<CustomPasteSample>();

// Atc - find the input element and trigger the oncustompaste event
cut.Find("input").TriggerEvent("oncustompaste", new CustomPasteEventArgs
  EventTimestamp = DateTime.Now,
  PastedData = "FOO"

// Assert that the custom event data was passed correctly
cut.Find("p:last-child").MarkupMatches("<p>You pasted: FOO</p>");
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