Namespace Bunit.TestDoubles
- CapturedParameterView<TComponent>
Represents a view of parameters captured by a ComponentDoubleBase<TComponent>.
- ComponentDoubleBase<TComponent>
Represents a component that doubles as another component in the render tree.
- FakeAuthenticationStateProvider
Represents a fake implementation of AuthenticationStateProvider for testing purposes that allows user to test components that use authentication and authorization.
- FakeAuthorizationExtensions
Helper methods for registering the Authentication/Authorization services with a TestServiceProvider.
- FakeAuthorizationPolicyProvider
Test class that provides an implementation of IAuthorizationPolicyProvider that assists user in testing components that use authentication and authorization.
- FakeAuthorizationService
Test class that provides an implementation of IAuthorizationService that assists user in testing components by allowing them to set the authorization expected authorization response.
- FakeNavigationManager
Represents a fake NavigationManager that captures calls to NavigateTo(string, bool) for testing purposes.
- FakePersistentComponentState
Represents a fake PersistentComponentState, that can be used to the real PersistentComponentState in the Blazor runtime.
- FakeSignOutSessionStateManager
Represents a fake SignOutSessionStateManager that captures calls to SetSignOutState() that will help later to assert if the user was logged out
- FakeWebAssemblyHostEnvironment
Represents a fake IWebAssemblyHostEnvironment that makes the Environment and BaseAddress settable.
- MissingFakeAuthorizationException
Exception used to indicate that the fake authorization services are required by a test but provided in TestContext.Services.
- MissingMockHttpClientException
Exception use to indicate that a mock HttpClient is required by a test but was not provided.
- MissingMockStringLocalizationException
Exception use to indicate that a IStringLocalizer is required by a test but was not provided.
- NavigationHistory
Represents a navigation to a Uri with a set of specific navigation Options.
- NavigationOptions
Additional options for navigating to another URI.
- ParameterNotFoundException
Represents an exception which is thrown when the Get<TValue>(Expression<Func<TComponent, TValue>>) is used to get a parameter that was not passed to the doubled component.
- Stub<TComponent>
Represents a test double stub of a component of type
- TestAuthorizationContext
Root authorization service that manages different authentication/authorization state in the system.
- TestContextBaseExtensions
Extensions related to FakePersistentComponentState.
- TestPolicyRequirement
Test requirement that supports the minimum requirement - just a policy name.
- AuthorizationState
Enumeration that represents the user's authorization state.
- NavigationState
Describes the possible enumerations when a navigation gets intercepted.