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Class ShouldBeAdditionAssertExtensions


A set of addition diff assert extensions.

public static class ShouldBeAdditionAssertExtensions
Inherited Members


ShouldBeAddition(IDiff, INodeList, string?)

Verifies that the actualChange AngleSharp.Diffing.Core.IDiff is an addition, i.e. that one or more nodes have been added, and verifies that the additions are equal to the expectedChange nodes.

public static void ShouldBeAddition(this IDiff actualChange, INodeList expectedChange, string? userMessage = null)


actualChange IDiff

The change to verify.

expectedChange INodeList

The expected additions to verify against.

userMessage string

A custom user message to display in case the verification fails.

ShouldBeAddition(IDiff, IRenderedFragment, string?)

Verifies that the actualChange AngleSharp.Diffing.Core.IDiff is an addition, i.e. that one or more nodes have been added, and verifies that the additions are equal to the rendered markup from the expectedChange IRenderedFragmentBase.

public static void ShouldBeAddition(this IDiff actualChange, IRenderedFragment expectedChange, string? userMessage = null)


actualChange IDiff

The change to verify.

expectedChange IRenderedFragment

The expected additions to verify against.

userMessage string

A custom user message to display in case the verification fails.

ShouldBeAddition(IDiff, string, string?)

Verifies that the actualChange AngleSharp.Diffing.Core.IDiff is an addition, i.e. that one or more nodes have been added, and verifies that the additions are equal to the markup specified in the expectedChange input.

public static void ShouldBeAddition(this IDiff actualChange, string expectedChange, string? userMessage = null)


actualChange IDiff

The change to verify.

expectedChange string

The expected additions to verify against.

userMessage string

A custom user message to display in case the verification fails.

.NET Foundation

Supported by the .NET Foundation.