Namespace Bunit.Rendering
- BunitHtmlParser
A AngleSharp based HTML Parse that can parse markup strings into a AngleSharp.Dom.INodeList.
- ComponentDisposedException
Represents an exception that is thrown when a IRenderedFragmentBase's properties is accessed after the underlying component has been disposed by the renderer.
- ComponentNotFoundException
Represents an exception that is thrown when a search for a component did not succeed.
- MissingRendererInfoException
Represents an exception that is thrown when a component under test is trying to access the 'RendererInfo' property, which has not been specified.
- RenderEvent
Represents an render event from a ITestRenderer.
- RenderModeMisMatchException
Represents an exception that is thrown when a component under test has mismatching render modes assigned between parent and child components.
- RenderTreeFrameDictionary
Represents a dictionary of ArrayRange<T> keyed by the owning component's component id.
- RenderedComponentActivator
Represents a rendered component activator for bUnit.web.
- RootRenderTree
Represents a root render tree, wherein components under tests will be rendered. Components added to the render tree must have either a
- RootRenderTreeRegistration
Represents an added component with parameters in an RootRenderTree.
- TestRenderer
Represents a bUnit ITestRenderer used to render Blazor components and fragments during bUnit tests.
- UnknownEventHandlerIdException
Represents an exception that is thrown when the Blazor Renderer does not have any event handler with the specified a given ID.
- WebTestRenderer
Represents a ITestRenderer that is used when rendering Blazor components for the web.
- IRenderedComponentActivator
Represents an activator for IRenderedFragmentBase and IRenderedComponentBase<TComponent> types.
- ITestRenderer
Represents a generalized Blazor renderer for testing purposes.